Download Free The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography.pdf Photomicrography is a specialized form of micro-projection where images of minute specimens, magnified by a microscope, are captured using some form of detector. For most of the twentieth century, the primary medium for photomicrography was the silver halide emulsion on glass or film. Th ese materials served the scientific community well by faithfully reproducing countless images produced from the optical microscope beginning almost when photography started. Now, digital imaging has largely displaced film and is cheaper and easier to use than conventional photography. Th e term photomicrography should not be confused with microphotography, which describes the process by which miniature photographs are made of large objects, such as microfilms of books and documents.

Th e range of light detection methods and the wide variety of imaging devices currently available to the microscopist makes the selection of equipment difficult and often confusing. In particular, the characteristics of the imaging device have an important influence on the resolution achieved and on the dynamics of visualizing the specimen. This section is intended to aid in understanding the basics of digital photography as applied to microscopy and as a guide to selecting a suitable imaging detector type appropriate for the variety of optical microscopy techniques.

Recording images with the microscope dates back to the earliest days of microscopy. During the late seventeenth century, Dutch microscopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and the famed English scientist, Robert Hooke, both produced exquisite and highly detailed drawings of miniature creatures and other materials observed in their single- and double-lens compound microscopes, respectively. Microscopes developed in this period where incapable of projecting images, so observation was limited to careful inspection of specimens through a single lens of very short focal length.


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