Download Free Installation Instructions for Greddy eManage On Toyota Corolla.pdf This instruction manual is to guide you in the installation of the Greddy eManage and its supplement wiring systems on a 1998-2002 Toyota Corolla. The installation portrayed in this tech document was done on a 1998 Toyota Corolla LE. While the vehicles of both generations (1998-1999 Toyota Corolla 1ZZ-FE (non VVTi) and 2000-2002 Toyota Corolla 1ZZ-FE (w/ VVTi) share similar ECU’s it should be noted that GEN A (1998-99) has 3 plugs while GEN B (2000-2002) has 4 plugs. Please refer to the documentation appendix to this manual for wiring color codes, etc… We will not be held responsible if you happen to blow your motor up or short out something because you connected something up wrong. The installation shown here works perfectly fine on the car originally installed on, and we’d like to make it easier for you to do this yourself if you feel you have the confidence.

Ok with all that out of the way, let’s begin. Installation of this unit isn’t that hard at all actually. It’s more of a pain than anything. The one simple rule to follow is PATIENCE. Please take your time while making the connections to this unit or you will pay for it later when a wire comes loose while you’re driving and your ride shuts off… (or even worse if you’re planning on running a turbo – you could blow your motor). The eManage installs *almost* textbook on the Toyota Corolla’s. You should follow those instructions for what wires are spliced into place (tapped into) or what wires are interrupted signal. (wire output from ECU goes into eManage *THEN* is passed to the device being controlled) There are 3 switches and a jumper which must be set before you begin on this project. In order to get to them you have to pull the unit apart… and please be careful to ground yourself out before you do this by touching a nice metal surface so that you don’t fry out your chips.


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