Download Free Oracle 9i Silent Installation.pdf The goal of this article is to explain the silent installation option only. This is not a substitution for the Installation guide; please refer to the Oracle 9i Installation Guide for all the pre-installation and postinstallation tasks. All pre-installation and post-installation tasks should be fulfilled as usual. One drawback of silent installation is that it initially requires much more time to prepare response files, but when set of response files created for typical installations, silent installation requires less time, then GUI installation.

This is the first in a two-part series on the use of raw device data files. This first installment contains an introduction to raw devices. In the next issue, Brian Keating will explain how to perform recovery using raw device data files. Oracle data files on UNIX systems come in two basic flavors - "cooked files" and "raw devices.” Cooked files are standard UNIX files that reside in UNIX file systems. Raw devices are one of two things; they are either entire physical disk partitions, or they are entire UNIX “logical volumes.” A logical volume is an arbitrary area of disk space, on one or more disks. In either case, though, the disk partition or logical volume does not have a UNIX file system built on top of it –which means that Oracle interacts with the data in that area of disk space directly, without going through a UNIX file system.
