RESET PRINTER CANON i450, i455, i470D, i475D, i550, i560, i6100, i6500, i850, i860, i865, i900D, i905D, i950, i960, i965, i9100, i9950

Try this method to reset printer Canon
  • Canon i450, i455, i470D, i475D, i550, i560, i6100, i6500, i850, i860, i865, i900D, i905D, i950, i960, i965, i9100, i9950
  • Canon S300, S330, S500, S520, S530D, S600, S630, S750, S820, S830D, S900, S6300, S9000
  • Canon PIXMA iP2000, iP3000, iP3300, iP4000, iP4200, iP4300, iP4500, iP5000, iP5200, iP5300, iP6000, iP6210, iP6220, iP6600, iP6700, iP8500, pro9000, pro9500, iX4000, iX5000
  • Canon BJ F500, F700, F890, F900
1. Turn off the printer ( "Power" button).

2. Hold the button "Resume", include printer (click "Power").

3. Hold the "Power" button, release the button "Resume" (power indicator / preparedness must turns green)

4. Not releasing the "Power" button, double click "Resume" and release both buttons
-- each time you click "Resume" power indicator / willingness to change color (one-click - yellow, the second hitting - green). U printers with more than one indicator - indication switches (power indicator / preparedness - green indicator error - yellow)
-- after the buttons are released, power indicator / preparedness will be for some time to blink green (Stamford time depends on the printer model), and then the green light permanently
-- If after these actions instead of constantly burning green printer continues to display error, or you are mistaken in paragraphs 1-4 (turn off the printer and repeat with paragraph 1), or if additional printer error that must be corrected, or it will not go down to a service mode.

5. Four times click "Resume" (each time you click "Resume" power indicator / willingness to change color, and the printers with more than one indicator - indication switches: the willingness / error).

6. Once you click "Power" to confirm the selected action (reset counter absorber). To disable the printer "Power" button to click again.
For some printers (for example, iP2000) to switch off clicking "Power" again, that is three in a row.

Request by yudha jambi

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2 Responses to "RESET PRINTER CANON i450, i455, i470D, i475D, i550, i560, i6100, i6500, i850, i860, i865, i900D, i905D, i950, i960, i965, i9100, i9950"

Anonymous said...

It works on i450 Canon.

Curt Kempton said...

It worked great for me on the i470D.